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In his essay Bidrag till kännedomen om viola d'amore Daniel Fryklund writes in a note: A trustworthy source has told me that there is supposed to be a clock maker in a remote village in Ångermanland who also is specialized in improving common violins by adding understrings.

This reference is rather vague and I don't know of any of the clock makers instruments that are preserved. It is not known what type of fiddles he converted the violins to. I suppose that this clock maker is of about the same age as Fryklund (1979-1965) since the reference is written in present tense. If you read the reference you get the impression that the clock maker converted quite a few instruments but unfortunately they are not known today.

NameUrmakare i Ångermanland
Found inÅngermanland
Playing strings
Sympathetic strings

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