Svenska fioler med resonanssträngar

In Magnus Gustafssons Folkmusik från Småland och Öland there is quoted parts of an interview with Gustav Nilsson in Boaberg, Aron Ljungkvist in Rydaholm and Verner Nilsson in Grimslöv regarding Johan Dahl, whom they met when they were younger. Johan Dahl lived between 1846 and 1921 and according to the interview Dahl used a violin with 8 strings when playing with accordeonists. According to the note by Magnus Gustafsson it might have been 4 pairs of playing strings just like a mandolin but that is quite an unusual setup. In Lars Söderströms article about Swedish fiddles with sympathetic strings he states that Johan Dahl had such a fiddle.

NameJohan Dahl
Found inSkatelöv, Småland
Playing strings
Sympathetic strings

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